Monday 3 March 2008

Sparky went to Swiss

Hello everyone!
What a nice surprise to see Timmie in France!
We came back from our spring holiday and the first thing we saw when we came in the classroom was our dear bear Timmie on the active board!
Thank you!

Sparky has shown new talents this week! He went to ski in Swiss with Hans!

Here we see Hans in the snow!
Hans made a sled especialy for Sparky, and Sparky had a great time "skiing" down the hill!

Hans and Sparky had a little match, who could ski the fastest down the hill. As you can see on the picture: they first went up and then: ------>
...............................................................Sparky won!

1 comment:

High School Dundee said...

Timmie had a lovely time in France with Mr Tonner. We drank cola light, ate croissants and saw the sights. Fantastic time.

Mrs Tonner